NPPN Manchester meeting

At the end of the first year of the PROMISE project partners have forged impressive links with national and local stakeholders working with young people. A National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) has been set up in each partner country to ensure an exchange of ideas and mutual support for the duration of the PROMISE project and beyond. Most partners have already successfully held their first meeting with practitioners and policy makers in their respective countries, with the rest scheduled to have them in due course.

Parallel to the NPPN’s the European Policy Network (EPN) has also been set up and its first meeting will take place on 4 July in Brussels at the European Youth Forum organised by our partners Yes Forum. Watch this space for updates on this.

Below are details of the NPPN meetings held since January 2017:

University of Manchester

NPPN meeting held on 16 January 2017, Manchester

The UK NPPN members consist of a range of youth experts from across several national and local organisations with many years of experience working with, and for, young people. See our previous newsfeed reflecting on the first meeting.

Psychoanalytical Institute for Social Research (IPRS), Italy

NPPN meeting held on 27 April 2017 in Rome.

The Italian NPPN comprises of seven organisations involved with youth from various sectors: academics (University of Catania); politics (national parliament); employment (the largest national workers’ union); the national civil service; the national youth agency; and the national youth forum (comprising over 70 youth organizations).

CJD-Nord, Germany

NPPN meeting to be held on 27 July 2017, Hamburg

The CJD-Nord NPPN is currently being organized and includes organisations that have been contacted for the case studies such as the Muslim Women’s Organisation e.V. and the Muslim Girls e.V.

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain

NPPN meeting held on 15 June 2017, Barcelona

The NPPN meeting was held successfully with 16 national and local policy makers. Partnerships were forged and the group demonstrated a great interest in future knowledge exchange activities.

Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP), Portugal

NPPN meeting held on 15 May 2017, Porto

The establishment of the Portuguese NPPN started in September 2016 with an extensive identification of relevant institutions and individuals working for, or representing, youth in Portugal. 16 institutions, from the public, academic and youth NGO sectors, joined the Portuguese team to discuss youth engagement and knowledge exchange.

Univerzita Mateja Bela (UMB), Slovakia

NPPN meeting held on 10 May 2017, Banská Bystrica

The Slovakian NPPN includes 12 stakeholders from various institutions, and practitioners and experts working with young people as well as social scientists with a research focus on youth. The combination of expertise in research, policy and practice promises an integrated approach to youth issues both within and outside the project.

Finnish Youth Research Network (FYRN), Finland

NPPN meeting held on 28 April 2017, Helsinki

The Finnish NPPN includes representatives from associations and cities involved in the case studies, as well as representatives from Finnish youth associations and youth researcher. Through its multi-professionality and high level of expertise the NPPN offers excellent possibilities for continuous dialogue with relevant policy and practice stakeholders, and ensures dissemination beyond the academic community.

University of Tartu (UTARTU), Estonia

NPPN yet to be held

The UTARTU team decided to establish two separate NPPN’s in Estonia, one for each case study. This is due to the different geographic locations of the case studies as well as the different groups of young people included in each case study.  The NPPN lists have been established and the meetings will be held soon.

Centre for Youth Studies at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Russia

NPPN scheduled for November 2017, St. Petersburg

The Russian NPPN has been set up and includes 10 experts – leaders of non-governmental organizations, youth movements, activists and scholars. The first meeting will be taking place in November.

Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (IPI), Croatia

NPPN meeting 20 April 2017, Zagreb

The Croatian NPPN consists of 12 experts covering academics, several types of representatives of young people, members of NGO’s, practitioners, social workers, policy makers, and people involved in education.  For more information about the first meeting see the IPI’s PROMISE webpage.