PROMISE newsfeed
PROMISE final conference with Andy Burnham Mayor of Greater Manchester
After months of preparation the PROMISE final conference is now just days away. Researchers, young people, practitioners and policy makers will be gathering in Manchester on 8-9 April 2019 to discuss the findings and implications of the research with a keynote speech delivered by the Mayor of Manchester Andy Burnham.
A full and ambitious programme of activities has been planned, including discussion, creative performances and exhibitions under the theme “Young People and Social Change: Action, Reaction and Inaction”.
The PROMISE team look forward to welcoming all our guests to the University of Manchester for two days of vibrant discussion and celebration (Promise Programme 8_9 April 2019).
EU Youth Strategy and the PROMISE policy briefs
The EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 provides Member States with a renewed frame to cooperate in the field of youth. “Youth” is a national policy area for many Member States and the EU Youth Strategy supports member states to coordinate and supplement their national policies by focusing on three key areas: Engage, Connect & Empower. These key areas resonate with the policy recommendations from PROMISE.
Horizon 2020 PROMISE Final Conference
Horizon 2020 PROMISE will be holding its final conference “Young People and Social Change: Action, Reaction and Inaction” on 8-9 April 2019 at the University of Manchester.
This study was funded for a period of three years and sadly we are reaching the end of our project.
You are all invited to celebrate with us the great achievements of this major European research project.
PROMISE researchers speak with UN Deputy High Commissioner
On 12th November 2018 PROMISE team members from the UK reported their findings to the UN Deputy High Commissioner, Kate Gilmore, and two high-profile Manchester MP’s Debbie Abrahams and Tony Lloyd.
In a presentation and panel session to mark the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights PROMISE researchers discussed issues of cohesion amongst the communities of Manchester and the stigmatisation of young people labelled as ‘risky’.
Zagreb Pride LGBTIQ; evoking social and political change in Croatia!
This ethnographic case study focussing on Zagreb Pride LGBTIQ, a non-governmental organization, was led by Vanja Dergić from the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar. Vanja participated in the activities of the Zagreb Pride LGBTIQ organization and was particularly involved in the organizational committee of the Zagreb Pride March, 2017. Zagreb Pride have been selected because of the political and social context of the LGBTIQ movement in Croatia, which especially refers to the years following the campaign for a marriage referendum in 2013 when there was an increase in hate speech against LGBTIQ people in Croatia.
Croation ethnographic case study: Against Modern Football in Croatia– the story of Varteks FC
This Croatian ethnographic case study followed the politics and movement of the ‘Supporters’ Varteks FC’ based in the city of Varaždin in the north of the country. The study was carried out by the research team Benjamin Perasović and Marko Mustapić from the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar. The authors previously participated in the large international research project EU FP7 ‘Myplace’ where they conducted research on the oldest football supporters ultras group in Europe – the Torcida, which is the name given to the supporters of Hajduk FC. This case study represents a continuity of their research interest into football supporters and the Against Modern Football (AMF) movement.
PROMISE hits Hamburg! International ECPR conference in Germany
The Manchester teams delivered papers at this year’s European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference at the Universität Hamburg, 22-25 August 2018. The international conference in Hamburg encompassed a breadth of scholars from social and political disciplines and embodied another layer of significance, particularly in times of growing political instability. Our papers were featured in the section on ‘Connecting Social Movement Studies and Political Participation Research’ which presented a vibrant consideration of the (changing) nature of political participation. More specifically, our panel examined ‘Youth Participation and Social Change’. Both papers were based on the respective UK case study reports, which are available on the PROMISE website, see ethnographic case studies.
H2020 PROMISE Portuguese team briefs policy makers and publishes case studies
The PROMISE Portuguese National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) met again but this time to discuss the key findings of the two ethnographic case studies. The two Portuguese case studies have been completed and the reports are available now on the PROMISE web site. The NPPN meeting was also attended by some of the young participants of the ‘Risk’ case study.
PROMISE at the 2018 European Youth Event
Horizon 2020 PROMISE and our partner YES Forum joined The European Youth Event 2018! This was the biggest youth engagement event of the year, bringing together thousands of young Europeans. The event was held on 1-2 June at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.
The PROMISE Quantitative Team GESIS’ Analysis of Youth Activism
The PROMISE quantitative team at GESIS Cologne presented their analysis of the European Values Survey (EVS) on youth activism at the “Spring Political Science Research Roundtable” on May 25 2018 in Cologne, Germany. The Political Science Research Roundtable is a bi-annual meeting of data-driven political scientists held at GESIS.
PROMISE Portuguese Case Studies: Stigma and Innovation
The Portuguese PROMISE case studies explored experiences of stigmatisation and conflict faced by young people living in Portugal and how they respond to these stigmatisations in socially innovative ways. Data for these two case studies were collected by the PROMISE team based at the Research Centre for Human Development of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (CEDH-UCP) in Porto between January and November 2017.
PROMISE Russian Case Studies: Youth Activism in St. Petersburg and Kazan

Activists tear off illegal commercial sex ads
The Russian PROMISE team is focusing on the engagement and activism of marginalized young people within the current social and political context. The research team, based in the Centre for Youth Studies at the National Research University High School of Economics (NRU HSE) in St. Petersburg have been busy working on three case studies:
Case study 1: New pro-citizen activities of young Petersburgers’ for ‘public morals and order’
Case study 2: Feminist and LGBTQ+ youth activism in St. Petersburg
Case study 3: HIV activism in St. Petersburg and Kazan/Tatarstan
PROMISE Finnish case studies: Young motherhood and young people’s urban belongings
As part of PROMISE, Finnish Youth Research Society conducted two independent case studies that focused on young mothers in multicultural Finland and young people’s spatial occupations and belongings in the media city.
This is the first newsfeed in a series detailing case studies in our partner countries. Keep an eye out here for updates from Russia, Slovakia, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Croatia and the UK.
Below is a brief overview about the Finnish case studies.
PROMISE meeting in Porto following the successful completion of fieldwork
PROMISE partners have met again as fieldwork comes to an end. The consortium meeting was hosted by our Portuguese partners at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Porto on 1-2 March 2018.
The co-ordinator Raquel Matos also arranged for the PROMISE team to engage with Portuguese policy makers and youth practitioners in Cascais, the 2018 European Youth Capital, prior to the consortium meeting in Porto. read more…
PROMISE’s analysis of the European Values Study and youth engagement
PROMISE partner GESIS presented their findings of the European Values Study on youth engagement in Cologne earlier this year. The presentation entitled “Social and Political Participation of the Young Generation in Europe: Results of a Latent Class Analysis with the European Values Study, 2008” aimed at conceptualising social and political participation that goes beyond formal/traditional participation and includes new emerging forms of engagement as well as capturing the different shades of disengagement/ passivity.
PROMISE at the 2018 European Youth Capital in Cascais, Portugal!
PROMISE is holding a one day conference to an international and local audience of policy makers, practitioners and academics in Cascais, Portugal. The one-day conference on “Youth Social Engagement – opportunities and challenges for ‘conflicted’ young people across Europe” will be held on the 28 February 2018 in collaboration with the City Council of Cascais. They city has been voted as the European Youth Capital of 2018!
Estonian Case Study on the Setos Community
Our Estonian partner Aet Annist (UTARTU) discussed her PROMISE case study on the Setos ethnic minority in Estonia at the AAS/ASA/ASAANZ Conference “Shifting states” in Adelaide, Australia (11-15 December 2017). The case study looked at the disenfranchised and dispossessed Setos tapping into the remnants of their political capital to achieve change from the present focusing on indigenous Setoness towards a more inclusive municipal leadership (and how they failed). The talk also pointed out the characteristics of such groups, especially how their social dispossession diminish their ability to unify for any cause, and make them invisible to most social research.
PROMISE partner UAB presents research at Youth and Society in Madrid
PROMISE partners at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in Spain presented the first results of their PROMISE case studies at the II Conference on Youth and Society (II Jornadas de Juventud y Sociedad) in Madrid on the 16th and 17th November 2017.
The Youth and Society conference aimed at covering the strategies that young people follow in order to overcome the economic crisis, focusing on: employment, housing, migration, political activism, and public policies.
First results from PROMISE fieldwork presented at Zagreb
PROMISE partners met in the beautiful city of Zagreb to discuss emerging themes from the 21 ethnographic case studies. Hosted by the Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (IPI-Croatia) PROMISE team members held a two day project meeting on 28-29 September 2017 to present initial findings from the case studies carried out in 10 countries. The PROMISE fieldwork started early in 2017 after a rigorous process of securing ethical approval and creating research tools, and is now coming to an end as PROMISE partners are in the last stage of their data collection and observation.
UTARTU Estonia launches new PROMISE webpage!
Joining the rest of the PROMISE partners, University of Tartu (UTARTU) in Estonia has now their own PROMISE website!
The website provides details of the project in Estonian as well as information about the UTARTU PROMISE research team. The new UTARTU PROMISE website will also host a variety of outputs that result from the PROMISE project, so check their website for updates on UTARTU’s work.
PROMISE holds first European Policy Network (EPN) meeting in Brussels
Following the successful set up of the National Policy and Practice Networks (NPPNs) by the PROMISE partners in their respective countries, the first European Policy Network (EPN) has now also been established. The EPN meeting, organised by PROMISE partner YES Forum, took place in Brussels on the 4th July 2017. Three members of the PROMISE team Dr. Eckart Mueller-Bachman (CJD Germany), Dr. Zyab Ibañez (Universitat Autònoma Barcelona), and Annett Wiedermann (YES Forum, Germany) -pictured here-, presented the project work and early progress to key European stakeholders, including representatives from the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the European Youth Forum.
National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) set up by PROMISE partners in each country
At the end of the first year of the PROMISE project partners have forged impressive links with national and local stakeholders working with young people. A National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) has been set up in each partner country to ensure an exchange of ideas and mutual support for the duration of the PROMISE project and beyond. Most partners have already successfully held their first meeting with practitioners and policy makers in their respective countries, with the rest scheduled to have them in due course.
Parallel to the NPPN’s the European Policy Network (EPN) has also been set up and its first meeting will take place on 4 July in Brussels at the European Youth Forum organised by our partners Yes Forum. Watch this space for updates on this.
Manchester PROMISE dedicated website launched!
While the University of Manchester hosts the main PROMISE website, the Manchester team now has its own website dedicated to PROMISE research relevant to the UK.
The webpages provide detailed information about the two ethnographic case studies and the research team.
YES-Forum launches great PROMISE website!
Our PROMISE partner – YES Forum- have launched their own PROMISE webpage.
The new website is a great source for getting the latest and up-to-date information about PROMISE’s engagement on the European policy level.
New UMB Slovakia PROMISE website goes live!
Matej Bel University (UMB) in Slovakia is delighted to announce that their new PROMISE project website is now live!
The website provides details of the project as well as information about the UMB PROMISE research team. The new UMB PROMISE website will also host a variety of outputs that result from the PROMISE project, so check the website for updates on UMB’s work.
Don’t forget that you can keep up with all the PROMISE news here on the newsfeed or you can also follow us on Twitter and on Instagram.
HSE Russia sets up own PROMISE webpage!
Our Russian PROMISE partner from the Centre for Youth Studies at the Higher School of Economics (HSE) in St. Petersburg has set up their own PROMISE webpage. The webpage contains information about the project as well as about the ambitious case studies the research team is undertaking. The case studies will include a total of 60 in-depth interviews with young people defining themselves as patriots, pro-government or anarchists.
PROMISE partner CJD-Nord now has its own webpage!
Joining the other PROMISE partners, CJD-Nord, Germany, has launched their own PROMISE webpage in German. It provides information about the project aims and approaches with links to two dedicated researchers on this project. read more…
The Croatian PROMISE IPI website up and running!
The Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar (IPI), Croatia has its PROMISE website up and running. It provides information about the PROMISE project and a further link gives details about their first National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) meeting alongside pictures of members of the research team.
GESIS launches new PROMISE webpage!
The Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS) has launched their new PROMISE webpage in both German and English. The webpage provides information about the PROMISE project and the research team. read more…
Meet the PEDR (or ‘The Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results’!)
As part of our project, the PROMISE team are committed to ensuring that the hard work that goes on across all of our 12 partners is effectively disseminated to all of our research partner organisations, participants, the academic community, policy makers and practitioners, as well as the wider public, in particular to young people. The Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (also know as PEDR) provides a clear set of objectives and sets up a comprehensive strategy outlining how the key developments, findings and outputs of the PROMISE project will be publicized and shared.
PROMISE makes a splash at the European Youth Partnership Symposium in Prague, June 2017
PROMISE team members linked in with colleagues from across Europe at the Youth Partnership Symposium held in Prague from 12 -14 June. Project coordinator, Jo Deakin, University of Manchester, and team member, Katerina Konecna from the YES Forum, took part in discussions and activities over the 3-day meeting, presenting the PROMISE project as part of a Youth Policy Fair to over 100 delegates.
PROMISE professor wins BBC/BSA Ethnography Book Award!
PROMISE member Prof. Hilary Pilkington from The University of Manchester has won the prestigious BBC Radio 4 Thinking Allowed Ethnography Award prize for her fascinating new book “Loud and Proud: Passion and Politics in the English Defence League”.
FYRN, Finland launch their PROMISE project webpage
Our Finnish Youth Research Network (FYRN) PROMISE partner have now launched their PROMISE project webpage. The new webpage provides an overview of the PROMISE project in both English and Finnish and the contact details of the Finnish team. The site also links up with the main PROMISE website’s news feed and also features our Twitter feed.
The PROMISE National Context Reports from each of the partner countries is now available!
The PROMISE team has prepared a national context report based on contributions from the ten PROMISE partner countries. The report outlines the national and historical context of youth in Europe charting developments from the post-World War II period onwards. The report also covers more recent themes, trends and challenges that have been faced by young people in Europe.
UAB, Spain launch their PROMISE project webpages!
Joining UCP, Portugal and IPRS, Italy, new PROMISE project webpages have been launched by our Barcelona-based partners, UAB! The new webpages provide information on the project aims, approach and the members of the PROMISE project’s Spanish team. The site also links up with the main PROMISE website’s news feed and also features our Twitter feed. To find more information about the work being done by the UAB PROMISE team, including information on the case studies that will form the focus of the team’s research (available in Spanish), head over to their webpage.
IPRS report on hosting the second PROMISE partner meeting
From the 22 to the 24 February 2017, the partners of the PROMISE project met in Rome for the second meeting of the project. The meeting, hosted by IPRS, saw 32 participants from 10 countries, and belonging to 12 organisations discuss the progress of the activities in their respective countries, with particular attention being paid to the creation of national networks of policy and practice (NPPNs).
The second PROMISE project meeting in Rome, Italy brings together the 12 PROMISE partners from across Europe
The second PROMISE meeting in Rome was hosted by our Italian partner, IPRS, from the 22 to the 24 February 2017. The meeting was very productive with presentations, discussions on fieldwork, analysis, national and European practice networks, dissemination, as well as work package meetings. There has been much progress since the first kick-off project meeting that took place in Manchester, back in May 2016. There were new staff members joining the PROMISE project, who were warmly welcomed to the group. The partners had all produced a national context report (coming soon to this website!) that provides an overview of developments in the last 15 years, focusing on national and local experiences of young people, with reference to key historical changes that have shaped the current political, social and cultural climate.
New PROMISE webpages for IPRS, Italy!
IPRS, Italy have recently launched their own PROMISE project webpage! Information about the project, the IPRS team members, and more can be found in both English and Italian.
Information about more of our partners’ new webpages is coming soon….
Meeting the Experts: PROMISE’s first UK National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) meeting
Early in January 2017, we held our first meeting with our UK National Policy and Practice Network (NPPN) at The University of Manchester. It was a constructive and energetic meeting with a range of youth experts from across several organisations who have many years of experience working with young people. The meeting was very timely, coinciding with the planning of our fieldwork for the two case studies that are taking place in Manchester, and the input of the NPPN members in helping to develop these plans was very helpful. There are two case studies being conducted for the PROMISE project in Manchester:
New UCP PROMISE website goes live!
UCP, Portugal are delighted to announce that their new PROMISE project website is now live! The website provides details of the project, the partners they will be working with as well as information about the UCP PROMISE research team. The new UCP PROMISE website will also host a variety of outputs that result from the PROMISE project, so check the website for updates on UCP’s work.
Don’t forget that you can keep up with all the PROMISE news here on the newsfeed or you can also follow us on Twitter and on Instagram.
PROMISE project presented at The Y.E.S Forum Policy Event!
Project partner, The Y.E.S Forum, hosted a policy event at the European Parliament in Brussels on the 15 and 16 November 2016, which included a presentation on the PROMISE project.
GESIS present on the PROMISE project in Italy
Vera Lomazzi from GESIS attended the National Conference on NEET in Milan, Italy on the 3rd and 4th November, 2016, which was organised by Fondazione Cariplo, Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Vera presented some results from the exploratory analysis of a subgroup of NEET youths across 10 countries involved in PROMISE, focusing on levels of political activism.
New H2020Promise website is launched
The new website for the Horizon2020 Promise project has been launched. Our ‘news feed’ will provide up to date information on all the project’s progress and you can find out more information about the organisations involved in the project by checking out the ‘People and partners’ page. You can also follow us on Twitter and on Instagram.
The PROMISE project team from across ten different countries meet in Manchester for the first H2020 PROMISE partner meeting
The first project partners’ meeting took place on 14–16 June 2016. The meeting saw partners from ten countries and 12 organisation, plus members of our International Advisory Committee travel to Manchester to discuss the preliminary stages of the project. Among the items under discussion were the use of participatory research methods and arts-based approaches to be used in the project. Thanks to everyone who took part in this important first meeting.
Launch of the Horizon2020 PROMISE project – 1 May 2016
After lots of work and preparation, the PROMISE project has officially begun. Researchers from 10 countries turned on their computers, fired up their emails and began work on the exciting first stage of the project.
Task number 1: refine the research questions and methods.
Our research questions will consider the experiences of young people across Europe: what is it like to be young now? What are the main challenges and opportunities? read more…
Funding success
We are delighted to announce that the PROMISE Project has been awarded €2.5 million from the European Commission’s Horizon2020 fund. The three year project will begin in May 2016 and run until April 2019. The Horizon2020 project, lead by a team from the University of Manchester, involves 12 partners from across Europe. H2020PROMISE is a collaborative research project, which will explore young people’s role in shaping society, focussing specifically on young people ‘in conflict’ with authority.